Friday, December 25, 2009

Catching Up

Well, I've neglected to post about anything since Halloween so here's everything since then in pictures.

Decorating the exterior of our house for the holidays.

Wesley and Daddy inspecting Mommy's work. :)

Christmas party with our Mommy's Group. The kids are getting SO big! From far away we have Vin, Sienna, Finley, Isaiah, Zen (new to the group), Liam, and Wesley's head.

Liam, Wesley & Zen (left to right)

Liam, Wesley & Trevor (left to right). We were trying to get a group picture of all the kiddos but as you can imagine it didn't quite work out.

Liam and Wesley

Wesley with Santa. We went back to North Park Mall again this year but unlike last year Wesley was a little unhappy to see Santa.

Our most recent saga has been that Wesley has learned how to climb and has used that knowledge (get this) to climb out of his crib! The night before we left town for the Christmas holiday he climbed out so we put up the play yard, which is about 6" deeper, and he proceeded to climb right out of that as well. That night I wound up sleeping on the floor next to his bed and the first hour and a half I played Policewoman Mommy and kept him in his crib until he finally went to sleep.

Here was our attempt to find a temporary solution but he just climbed over the side and we heard him jiggling the door knob to his room. Ugh!
Christmas Day at Gram & Poppy's - Wesley just got a new rocking horse. :)

Abby posing in front of the Christmas Tree.

New shoes! Yeay!

A puzzle board. (Notice Wesley is wearing a pair of his new shoes.)

A new train!

The train is so cute. It's a block train so Wesley can take it apart and put it back together in a different order.

Opening his stocking. He's fascinated with flashlights so Gram made sure he got his own in his stocking. So goofy!

Gram always gives an orange in our stockings and Wesley was convinced it was a "ball." He had so much fun throwing it around. Cutie Boy!
Merry Christmas Everyone & Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. We got the same little puzzle! And new shoes too! We gave very similar gifts!

    We also got a rocking horse from Grumpa but it has pink accents, a flowery collar and looks like My Little Pony. (?) Merry Christmas!
