Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dickens on the Strand

When we were living in Dallas, one of our family holiday traditions was to drive to see the 12 Days of Christmas light display along a block of 12 houses in Lake Highlands.  It's something we always enjoyed and once we moved here we realized we'd have to replace that tradition with something new.  Our replacement tradition has been found!  

Last weekend we went to the annual Dickens on the Strand event in Galveston.  It was great.  So many people in period costumes, lots of great music, food, drink, little shops set up expescially for the event.  It was great!  Here are some pictures from our day there.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day to day life...

Here's a picture diary of what we've been up to lately.

Fun at the park!

 Wesley holding Charlie, his doll.

The skies here are so beautiful when cloudy because we're so close to the coast

Couponing a week ago and Wesley found their Christmas section.  It was so cute to watch him play with the rocking horses. 

My latest crafts.  All are posted in my Etsy Shop (

Happy Thanksgiving All!  Hope you have a comfy, safe, enjoyable, and relaxing holiday weekend.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

News that only a parent can appreciate...

Wesley has take a great step toward potty training! He pooped in the potty for the first time today!!!!!! For whatever reason he's had an aversion to pooping in the potty for quite awhile now. He would go pee but had no interest in doing anything else there. I figured out that he likes his privacy, and who doesn't!

I'm so hopeful that this means we're really on the road to saying goodbye to diapers!! Cloth diapering has been fun and challenging, and we've done some disposable diapering, but I'm just ready to say goodbye to it all, for awhile at least. :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Trip to Dallas Over Halloween Weekend

Wesley and I had a blast in Dallas over Halloween weekend, visiting friends and family. Unfortunately Jeff was sick and decided to stay home to recover. He missed a great trip!

Wesley was talking for weeks before our trip about playing football with his cousins, Garrett and Sydney. He had so much fun!!!

On Saturday morning we all went to Garrett's flag football game. His team did so well but they were literally about a foot short of scoring a goal to tie up the game.

Sydney looking so cute in her little cheerleader outfit!

On Saturday night Wesley and I went to a Halloween party at Vin's house. Here he is in his little Rodeo Cowboy outfit, looking so stinkin' cute!!

Wesley looks like such a big kid here! He's going form toddler to pre-schooler.

Max and Wesley were playing soccer and Henry, the dog, decided he wanted to join in. The poor soccer ball was all beaten up and slimmed after Henry got a hold of it. Yuck!

Zen going crazy on the horsey!

Catwoman Lisa and her Dalmatian Doggy, Austin! So cute!!

The church across the street from Vin's house was having a Halloween fair. We stopped in for a bit and the kids had a great time. We were able to get out of there with Wesley only consuming most of a Twizzler stick.

This is the result of Vin and Wesley's big kid hug. It usually results in them toppling each other over. :)

We had a great weekend and Wesley was chillin' on the way home...

...until he crashed!

The next day, Wesley was a Puppy Dog for Halloween.