Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day to day life...

Here's a picture diary of what we've been up to lately.

Fun at the park!

 Wesley holding Charlie, his doll.

The skies here are so beautiful when cloudy because we're so close to the coast

Couponing a week ago and Wesley found their Christmas section.  It was so cute to watch him play with the rocking horses. 

My latest crafts.  All are posted in my Etsy Shop (www.splendorinthetrees.etsy.com).

Happy Thanksgiving All!  Hope you have a comfy, safe, enjoyable, and relaxing holiday weekend.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

News that only a parent can appreciate...

Wesley has take a great step toward potty training! He pooped in the potty for the first time today!!!!!! For whatever reason he's had an aversion to pooping in the potty for quite awhile now. He would go pee but had no interest in doing anything else there. I figured out that he likes his privacy, and who doesn't!

I'm so hopeful that this means we're really on the road to saying goodbye to diapers!! Cloth diapering has been fun and challenging, and we've done some disposable diapering, but I'm just ready to say goodbye to it all, for awhile at least. :)